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CS 31HB.59 Baskets

ED Decision 2011/013/R

  1. The basket may not rotate independently of the envelope unless:
    1. the rotation is under control of the pilot; and
    2. entanglement of operating lines is prevented.
      (See AMC 31HB.59(a))
  2. Each projecting object on the basket, that could cause injury to the occupants, must be padded.
  3. Occupants of a basket must be protected during hard or fast landings against:
    1. falling from the basket;
    2. serious injuries. (See AMC 31HB.59(c))
  4. When more than six occupants are carried, the basket must be divided into compartments, each containing not more than six occupants.
  5. Where basket proportions and compartmentation are such that more than one occupant may fall on top of another during landing, there must be means to minimise this possibility. (See AMC 31HB.59(e))
  6. Reasonable space must be provided for all occupants, with regard to both comfort during the flight and to safety during the landing. (See AMC 31HB.59(f))
  7. The space for the pilot must provide unobstructed operation in all flight phases.
  8. There must be hand holds for each occupant. (See AMC 31HB.59(h))
  9. Means must be provided to allow drainage of vapour or liquid from the bottom of the basket.
  10. The load-bearing parts (e.g. ropes or cables) of the suspension system must be routed in a way that excludes the possibility of them being damaged in normal service.
  11. The basket floor must not project beyond the sidewalls.
  12. Limitations on the occupancy and configuration of a basket must be provided in the Flight Manual. (See CS 31HB.81 and AMC 31HB.59(l))

[Amdt No.: 31HB/1]

AMC 31HB.59(a) Baskets

ED Decision 2009/005/R

The purpose of this subparagraph is to prevent entanglement of operating lines due to uncontrolled rotation.

It should be noted that uncontrolled rotation, causing entanglement of operating lines, may also occur during landings with basket tip-over if the plan view of the basket floor is circular or more than hexagonal.

AMC 31HB.59(c) Baskets

ED Decision 2009/005/R

An internal height of the basket of 1.10 m, protecting the occupants carried from falling from the basket is considered compliant to this requirement.

AMC 31HB.59(e) Baskets

ED Decision 2009/005/R

Alignment of the basket for landing using turning vents or a drag rope or an equivalent feature and Flight Manual instructions specifying that the basket should be aligned to land on one of its longer sides can be used to show compliance to this requirement. No more than two occupants may be positioned in the landing direction without means to prevent them from falling on top of each other.

If the plan view of the basket floor is circular or more than hexagonal, it should be noted that the basket may be rotationally unstable during fast drag landings. This may present a risk to occupants.

AMC 31HB.59(f) Baskets

ED Decision 2009/005/R

Unless otherwise justified on safety grounds, a minimum figure of between 0·25 m² and 0·3m² plan area should be used for each standing occupant, with proper account being taken of the specified size, number and position of equipment when applying this figure. There should be enough space provided for passengers to take a brace position for landing. The Agency should be consulted in cases where a basket’s shape or compartmentation makes the measurement of this figure subjective.

AMC 31HB.59(h) Baskets

ED Decision 2009/005/R

Handholds should be provided as an obvious means for the occupants to safely hold on to during a landing. The location or design of the handholds should provide protection of the hands from impact during a landing.

AMC 31HB.59(l) Baskets

ED Decision 2009/005/R

This information should state, for each permissible model of basket or other means provided for the occupants, the maximum permitted occupancy in relation to specified sizes, numbers and positions of equipment items.

CS 31HB.63

en/cs31hb/59.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/01 09:27 by Volker Löschhorn

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