
CS 31HB.57 Control cords

ED Decision 2009/005/R

  1. General
    1. All control cords used for flight control must be designed and installed to preclude entanglement and inadvertent operation.
    2. The maximum force required for their operation must not exceed 340 N.
    3. All control cords used for flight control must be long enough to allow for an increase of at least 10 % in the vertical dimension of the envelope.
  2. Arming device

    If an arming device is employed to prevent inadvertent operation of an irreversible control, the part of the device to be handled by the pilot must be coloured with yellow and black bands.
  3. Turning vent cords

    If turning vent cords are used to orient the balloon for landing, the part of cords to be handled by the pilot for turning to the left must be coloured black and the corresponding part of the cord used for turning to the right must be coloured green. (See AMC 31HB.57(c)).
  4. Venting cords
    1. If a venting cord is used to allow controlled release of the lifting gas and the vent can be resealed in flight, the part of the cord to be handled by the pilot must be coloured with red and white bands.
    2. If a further cord is required to re-seal any vent, the part of the cord handled by the pilot must be coloured white.

- Rapid or emergency deflation cords

  1. If a cord is used for rapid or emergency deflation of the envelope and the device cannot be resealed in flight, the part of the cord to be handled by the pilot must be coloured red.
  2. In addition to the force requirement of CS 31HB.57(a)(2) above, the force required to operate a rapid or emergency deflation cord must not be less than 110 N.

AMC 31HB.57(c) Control cords; Turning vent cords

In the interests of reducing the pilot’s workload during the critical approach phase, it should be possible to operate the turning vents (to a sufficient extent to align the basket for landing, if this is required) with one hand.

CS 31HB.59