ED Decision 2009/005/R
ED Decision 2009/005/R
The fuel cell design and manufacture should be verified by a test programme agreed by the Agency. This test programme should consider burst testing, fatigue testing, impact testing, drop testing, fire testing, macro examination of the material of the cell cylinder and welded joints (if applicable) and material variability.
Note: Road, ship or aircraft transport of fuel cells and their storage is an inherent characteristic of Hot Air Balloon operation. In order to comply with Transport and Storage legislation it is recommended to consider in parallel to airworthiness issues the compliance with such legislation applicable to pressurised gas containers (e.g. Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route (ADR)).
ED Decision 2011/013/R
The restraint of a full fuel cell (e.g. straps) should not detach under typical high g-loads experienced during a hard or fast landing.
In case of fuel cells supported at the lower end by the basket floor or other structure, the straps and buckle restraining a fuel cell shall be designed as applicable to a horizontal limit load of 6.0g and upward limit load of 2.0g. The factor of safety of 1.50 is applicable to these fuel cell straps.
The strap and buckle design should be shown to maintain sufficient pre-tensioned after a flight to withstand the upward limit load of 2.0g. The handling of the strap and buckle shall allow proper pre- tension, reliable locking, but also easy release e.g. for emergency fuel cell removal. Industry standards like EN 12195-2, ASTM D3950 or equivalent using the appropriate strap type and grade are considered appropriate standards.
Consideration of applied loads on fuel cells should include handling and transport cases.
[Amdt No.: 31HB/1]
ED Decision 2009/005/R
The shut-off valve should be free from restrictors (excess flow limiters or overfill protection devices) that could fail in the closed position.
ED Decision 2009/005/R
The fuel cell data plate should include the following information:
Note: The data plate should include, where applicable, information to allow safe filling by commercial facilities (e.g. filling by weight). Where a fuel cell has been designed to a standard which is not compatible with comparable industrial standards, the data plate should include the statement “For use in Hot Air Balloons only”.