
CS 31GB.55 Rapid deflation means

ED Decision 2011/012/R

  1. The envelope must have means to allow for rapid deflation after landing. The system must be designed to minimise the possibility of inadvertent operation. If a system other than a manual system is used, the reliability of the system used must be substantiated.
  2. If a balloon is equipped with a lateral rapid deflation means, a device must be installed to align the balloon during landing in order to turn the rapid deflation means into its designated position.

AMC 31GB.55(a) Rapid deflation means

ED Decision 2011/012/R

A deflation is considered as ‘rapid’ if after a touchdown the balloon envelope is adequately prevented from ‘sailing’ and being dragged too much over the ground by the wind.

AMC 31GB.55(b) Rapid deflation means

ED Decision 2011/012/R

The installation of a drag rope is considered as a suitable device to align the balloon during landing in the sense of this subparagraph.

CS 31GB.57