
BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

Regulation (EU) 2018/395

  1. Before commencing a balloon specialised operation, the pilot-in-command shall conduct a risk assessment, assessing the complexity of the activity in order to determine the hazards and associated risks of the intended operation and establish mitigating measures where necessary.
  2. A balloon specialised operation shall be performed in accordance with a checklist. The pilot-in-command shall establish that checklist and ensure that it is appropriate to the specialised activity and balloon used, based on the risk assessment and taking account of all requirements set out in this Subpart. The checklist shall be readily accessible on each flight to the pilot-in-command and other crew members, where it is relevant for the performance of their duties.
  3. The pilot-in-command shall regularly review and update the checklist where necessary in order to adequately take account of the risk assessment.

AMC1 BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

ED Decision 2018/004/R


The pilot-in-command or the operator should consider the following criteria to determine whether an activity falls within the scope of balloon specialised operations:

  1. special equipment is necessary to fulfil the task and which affects the behaviour of the balloon in flight;
  2. external loads are lifted; or
  3. persons enter or leave the balloon during flight.

AMC2 BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

ED Decision 2018/004/R


In order to develop a checklist, the pilot-in-command should take into account at least the following items:

  1. nature and complexity of the activity:
    1. the nature of the flight and risk exposure;
    2. the complexity of the activity taking into account the necessary pilot skills and level of experience, ground support, and individual protective equipment;
    3. the operational environment and geographical area; and
    4. the result of the risk assessment and evaluation;
  2. balloon and equipment:
    \\all equipment required for the activity should be listed;
  3. crew members:
    1. crew composition;
    2. duties of crew members;
    3. minimum crew experience and training provisions; and
    4. recency provisions;
  4. normal, abnormal and emergency procedures:
    1. operating procedures for the flight crew; and
    2. ground procedures for crew members; and
  5. records:
    it should be determined which records specific to the flight(s) are to be kept, such as task details, balloon registration, pilot-in-command, flight times, weather and any remarks, including a record of occurrences affecting flight safety or the safety of persons or property on the ground.

AMC3 BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

ED Decision 2018/004/R


The checklist for parachute operations should include:

  1. normal, abnormal and emergency procedures;
  2. relevant performance data;
  3. required equipment;
  4. any limitations such as maximum take-off mass and minimum landing mass; and
  5. responsibilities and duties of the pilot-in-command and, if applicable, of crew members.

GM1 BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

ED Decision 2018/004/R


  1. Balloon specialised operations include the following activities:
    1. parachute operations;
    2. hang-gliding dropping; and
    3. special events flights, including flying displays and competition flights.
  2. The following operations are not considered balloon specialised operations, but normal operations:
    1. aerial advertising flights; and
    2. news media flights, television and movie flights.

GM2 BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

ED Decision 2018/004/R


The pilot-in-command or the operator determines whether the main purpose of an operation is passenger ballooning, commercial or not, or whether the activity falls within the scope of a balloon specialised operation. As regards a balloon specialised operation, the pilot-in-command or the operator applies the criteria in AMC1 BOP.BAS.190 and the activities listed in GM1 BOP.BAS.190.

BOP.BAS.200 Operating limitations