
BOP.BAS.185 Operational limitations at night

Regulation (EU) 2018/395

  1. Hot-air balloons:
    1. shall not land during night, except in emergency situations; and
    2. may take off during night, provided that sufficient fuel or ballast is carried for a landing during day.
  2. Gas balloons and mixed balloons:
    1. shall not land during night, except in emergency situations or as a precautionary landing; and
    2. may take off during night, provided that sufficient fuel or ballast is carried for a landing during day.
  3. Hot-air airships shall be operated in accordance with their approved VFR night operating limitations and information.

GM1 BOP.BAS.185(a);(b) Operational limitations at night

ED Decision 2018/004/R


  1. The intent of the rule is to ensure that when the balloon takes off during night, sufficient fuel is on board for landing under VFR by day.
  2. The risk of collision with overhead lines or other obstacles is considerable and cannot be overstated. The risk is considerably increased during night flights, in conditions of failing light and visibility, when there is increasing pressure to land. A number of incidents have occurred in the late evening in such conditions, and may have been avoided had an earlier landing been planned.

BOP.BAS.190 Balloon specialised operations — Risk assessment and checklist

en/bop.bas/185.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/25 06:18 by Volker Löschhorn

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