
BOP.ADD.410 Additional balloon crew member

Regulation (EU) 2018/395

When a balloon carries more than 19 passengers, at least one additional crew member shall be present on board the balloon in addition to the flight crew as required pursuant to points (a) and (b) of point BOP.ADD.300 to assist passengers in the event of an emergency. That additional crew member shall be appropriately experienced and trained.

AMC1 BOP.ADD.410 Additional balloon crew member

ED Decision 2018/004/R


  1. For training, the additional crew member should have participated in:
    1. three practical training inflations with subsequent flights on a balloon with a basket of a capacity of more than 19 passengers;
    2. at least one landing under (1) with a ground speed of at least 8 kt; and
    3. training in first-aid and in the use of the fire extinguisher, at intervals of maximum 36 months.
  2. For recency, the additional crew member should perform at least 2 flights in this function in any 12-month period. Otherwise, he or she should, before resuming as additional crew member, fulfil again the training requirements of points (a)(1) and (a)(2).

BOP.ADD.415 Fitness relating to deep water diving and blood donation

en/bop.add/410.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/25 08:26 by Volker Löschhorn

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