BOP.ADD.300 Composition of flight crew

Regulation (EU) 2020/357

  1. The composition of the flight crew shall be, as a minimum, as specified in the AFM or operating limitations prescribed for the balloon.
  2. The flight crew shall include additional flight crew members when required by the type of operation. The number of the flight crew shall not be lower than the number specified in the operations manual.
  3. All flight crew members shall hold a licence and ratings issued or accepted in accordance with Annex III to this Regulation and shall be appropriate to the duties assigned to them.
  4. Flight crew members may be relieved during the flight of their duties at the controls by another suitably qualified flight crew member.
  5. When engaging the services of flight crew members who work on a freelance or part-time basis, the operator shall verify that all of the following requirements are complied with:
    1. the requirements of this Subpart;
    2. Annex III to this Regulation, including the requirements on recent experience;
    3. the flight and duty time limitations and rest requirements in accordance with the national law of the Member State where the operator has its principal place of business, taking into account all services rendered by the flight crew member to other operators.

BOP.ADD.305 Designation as pilot-in-command