
BFCL.410 Conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence

Regulation (EU) 2020/357

  1. When conducting skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence, a balloon examiner shall do all of the following:

    1. ensure that communication with the applicant can be established without language barriers;

    2. verify that the applicant complies with all the qualification, training and experience requirements of this Annex for the issue, revalidation or renewal of the licence, privileges, rating or certificate for which the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence is taken; and

    3. make the applicant aware of the consequences of providing incomplete, inaccurate or false information related to his or her training and flight experience.

  2. After completion of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence, the balloon examiner shall:

    1. inform the applicant of the results of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence;

    2. in the event of a pass in an assessment of competence for the revalidation or renewal, endorse the new expiry date on the applicant’s licence or certificate, if specifically authorised for that purpose by the competent authority that is responsible for the applicant’s licence;

    3. provide the applicant with a signed report of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence and submit without undue delay copies of the report to the competent authority that is responsible for the applicant’s licence, and to the competent authority that issued the examiner certificate. The report shall include:

      1. a declaration that the balloon examiner has received information from the applicant regarding his or her experience and instruction, and found that experience and instruction comply with the applicable requirements of this Annex;

      2. confirmation that all the required manoeuvres and exercises have been completed, as well as information on the verbal theoretical knowledge examination, when applicable. If an item has been failed, the examiner shall record the reasons for this assessment;

      3. the results of the skill test, proficiency check or assessment of competence;

      4. a declaration that the balloon examiner has reviewed and applied the national procedures and requirements of the applicant’s competent authority if the competent authority that is responsible for the applicant’s licence is not the one that issued the examiner’s certificate;

      5. a copy of the balloon examiner certificate containing the scope of his or her privileges as balloon examiner in the case of skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence of an applicant whose competent authority is not the one that issued the examiner’s certificate.

    4. The balloon examiner shall maintain the records for five years with details of all skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence performed and their results.

    5. Upon request by the competent authority that is responsible for the balloon examiner certificate, or the competent authority that is responsible for the applicant’s licence, the balloon examiner shall submit all records and reports, and any other information, as required, for oversight activities.

AMC1 BFCL.410(b)(3) Conduct of skill tests, proficiency checks and assessments of competence

ED Decision 2020/003/R

Application and report form for the BPL skill test or proficiency check



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