Regulation (EU) 2020/357
(a) An FI(B) certificate holder shall only exercise the privileges of his or her certificate if he or she has completed:
(1) within the last three years before the planned exercise of those privileges:
(i) instructor refresher training at an ATO, a DTO, or a competent authority during which the holder shall receive theoretical knowledge instruction for refreshing and updating the knowledge relevant for balloon instructors;
(ii) at least 6 hours of flight instruction in balloons as FI(B); and
(2) within the last nine years and in accordance with the procedures established for that purpose by the competent authority, one instruction flight on a balloon as FI(B) under the supervision and to the satisfaction of an FI(B) who is qualified in accordance with point BFCL.315(a)(4) and nominated by the head of training of an ATO or a DTO.
(b) The hours flown as an FE(B) during skill tests, proficiency checks or assessments of competence shall be fully credited towards the requirement in paragraph (a)(1)(ii).
(c) If an FI(B) certificate holder has failed to complete the instruction flight under supervision to the satisfaction of the FI(B) in accordance with paragraph (a)(2), he or she shall not exercise the privileges of the FI(B) certificate until he or she has successfully completed an assessment of competence in accordance with point BFCL.345.
(d) To resume the exercise of the privileges of the FI(B) certificate, an FI(B) certificate holder who does not comply with all the requirements of paragraph (a) shall comply with the requirement of paragraph (a)(1)(i) and of point BFCL.345.
ED Decision 2020/003/R
Instructor refresher training
ED Decision 2020/003/R
Frequency of instructor refresher training
In order to maintain instructor privileges, point BFCL.360(a)(1)(i) requires FI(B) certificate holders to complete instructor refresher training once in 3 years. However, ATOs or DTOs may decide to provide more frequent internal standardisation/refresher training to their instructors.
ED Decision 2020/003/R
Instruction flight unter supervision