Table of Contents
BFCL.330 FI(B) – Training course
Regulation (EU) 2020/357
- Applicants for an FI(B) certificate shall first pass a specific pre-entry assessment at an ATO or a DTO within the 12 months preceding the start of the training course, to assess his or her ability to take the course.
- The FI(B) training course shall include at least:
- the elements specified in point BFCL.325;
- 25 hours of teaching and learning;
- 12 hours of theoretical knowledge instruction, including progress tests; and
- three hours of flight instruction, including three take-offs and landings.
- Applicants who already hold an instructor certificate in accordance with Annex III (Part-SFCL) to Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1976 or with Annex I (Part-FCL) to Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 shall be fully credited towards the requirement in paragraph (b)(2).
AMC1 BFCL.330(a) FI(B) – Training course
ED Decision 2020/003/R
The content of the pre-entry assessment should be determined by the ATO or the DTO, taking into account the experience of a particular candidate. It may include interviews and/or an assessment during a simulated training session with the candidate.
AMC1 BFCL.330(b) FI(B) – Training course
ED Decision 2020/003/R
- General
- The aim of the FI(B) training course is to train BPL holders to the level of competence defined in point BFCL.325.
- Throughout the training course, its content and structure should allow the student instructor to develop safety awareness by teaching the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to the FI(B) task including at least the following:
- refresh the technical knowledge of the student instructor;
- train the student instructor to teach:
- the ground subjects and air exercises; and
- how to access all related sources of information;
- ensure that the student instructor’s flying is of a sufficiently high standard; and
- teach the student instructor the principles of basic instruction and how to apply them at all training levels.
- With the exception of the section on teaching and learning, all the subject details contained in the ground and flight training syllabus is complementary to the BPL course syllabus.
- The FI(B) training course should give particular stress to the role of the individual in relation to the importance of human factors in the man-machine interface as well as in the instructor-student interaction during theoretical knowledge instruction. Special attention should be paid to the applicant’s maturity and judgement including an understanding of adults, their behavioural attitudes and variable levels of education.
- During the training course, applicants should be made aware that their own attitudes are key to flight safety. Identifying and avoiding complacency and improving safety awareness should be a fundamental objective throughout the training course. It is of major importance for the training course to aim at giving applicants the knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to a flight instructor’s task.
- Structure and content
The training course consists of two parts:
- PART 1 — Theoretical knowledge instruction
Part 1 includes the training specified in points (2) and (3) of point BFCL.330(b). The content of the teaching and learning part of the FI(B) course, as established in AMC1 BFCL.325, should be used as guidance to develop the syllabus for the training specified in point BFCL.330(b)(2).
- PART 2 — Flight instruction
Part 2 includes the training specified in point BFCL.330(b)(4).
- General
- The air exercises are similar to those of the BPL training course but with additional items designed to cover the needs of a flight instructor.
- The numbering of exercises should be used primarily as an exercise reference list and as a broad instructional sequencing guide. Therefore, the demonstrations and practices need not necessarily be given in the order listed. The actual order and content will depend upon the following interrelated factors:
- the applicant’s progress and ability;
- the weather conditions affecting the flight;
- the flight time available;
- the instructional technique considerations;
- the local operating environment; and
- the applicability of the exercises to the aircraft type.
- At the discretion of the instructors, some of the exercises may be combined whereas some other exercises may be done in several flights.
- It follows that student instructors will eventually be faced with similar interrelated factors. They should be shown and taught how to develop flight lesson plans, taking these factors into account, so as to make the best use of each flight lesson, combining parts of the set exercises as necessary
- Briefings and debriefings
- The briefing normally includes a statement of the aim and a brief allusion to principles of flight only if relevant. An explanation is to be given of exactly which air exercises are to be taught by the instructor and practised by the student during the flight. It should include how the flight will be conducted with regard to who is to fly the aircraft and what airmanship, weather and flight safety aspects currently apply. The nature of the lesson will govern the order in which the constituent parts are to be taught.
- The five basic components of the briefing will be:
- the aim;
- the air exercise(s) (what, how and by whom);
- flight briefing;
- check of understanding; and
- airmanship.
- After each exercise, the student instructor will conduct a debriefing of the pilot who acted as the student pilot during the training flight, be it the FI(B) instructor or an additional pilot (as described in point (k)(2)). The debriefing is to evaluate:
- whether the objectives have been fulfilled;
- whether the errors are minor or major;
- what can be corrected or improved; and
- whether the student pilot has reached the required level of competence or the exercise must be done again.
The FI(B) instructor will validate the debriefing.
- Planning of flight lessons
The development of lesson plans is an essential prerequisite of good instruction and the student instructor is to be given supervised practice in the development and practical application of flight lesson plans.
- General considerations
- The student instructor should complete flight training in order to practise the principles of basic instruction at the BPL level.
- The instructor providing this instructor training may take over the role of the student pilot. An additional person holding a BPL or a student pilot for the BPL may be on board in order to act as a student pilot under the supervision of the student instructor.
- It is to be noted that airmanship is a vital ingredient of all flight operations. Therefore, in the following air exercises, the relevant aspects of airmanship are to be stressed at the appropriate times during each flight.
- The student instructor should learn how to identify common errors and how to correct them properly, which should be emphasised at all times.
- Long briefings and air exercises
Exercise 1: Familiarisation with the balloon
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to familiarise the student with the balloon which will be used for the training and to test the student’s position in the basket for comfort, visibility, and ability to use all controls and equipment. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing and exercise
The student instructor has to:
- present the type of balloon which will be used;
- explain the characteristics of the balloon;
- explain the components, instruments and equipment;
- explain the re-fuelling procedures (in the case of hot-air balloons);
- familiarise the student with the balloon controls; and
- explain all checklists, drills and controls.
- Debriefing
Exercise 2: Preparation for the flight
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain all the operations and the necessary preparation to be completed before the flight. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the need for a pre-flight briefing;
- the structure and the content of this briefing;
- which documents are required on board;
- which equipment is required for a flight;
- the use of weather forecasts or actuals;
- the flight planning with particular regard to NOTAMs, airspace structure, sensitive areas, expected track and distance, pre-flight picture and possible landing fields;
- the use of load calculation chart; and
- the selection of a launch field with particular regard to permission, behaviour and adjacent fields.
- Exercise
The student instructor has to prepare and give a pre-flight briefing during which they have to demonstrate:
- that the required documents are on board;
- that the equipment required for the intended flight is on board;
- how to perform a load calculation;
- how to advise the student to do the pre-planning procedures for each flight;
- how to perform a pre-launch check;
- how to select a launch field with particular regard to permission, behaviour and adjacent fields;
- how to teach the student pilot to perform the preparation to be completed prior to flight; and
- how to analyse and correct errors of the student pilot as necessary.
- Debriefing
Exercise 3: Crew and passenger briefing
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain the importance of appropriate clothing for pilot, passengers and crew and how to perform the briefing of ground and retrieve crew and the briefing of passengers. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the appropriate clothing for passengers and crew; and
- the briefings for ground and retrieve crew and passengers.
- Exercise:
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- how to advise the passengers and crew about the correct clothing;
- the briefing of ground and retrieve crew;
- the briefing of passengers;
- how to familiarise the student pilot with the different type ofbriefings; and
- how to analyse and correct errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 4: Assembly and layout
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to familiarise the student pilot on crowd control and how to perform the securing of the launch site. Furthermore, the student instructor has to demonstrate how to familiarise the student pilot with the correct rigging of envelope and basket, the burner test procedure (hot-air balloons) and the pre-inflation checks. Finally, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the crowd control;
- the securing of the launch site;
- the correct rigging procedure;
- the use of the restraint line; and
- the pre-inflation checks and use of checklist(s).
- Exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the crowd control and securing of launch site;
- the correct rigging of envelope and basket;
- the correct use of the restraint line;
- the burner test procedure (hot-air balloons);
- the pre-inflation checks and correct use of checklist(s);
- how to teach the student pilot to perform the correct rigging; and
- how to analyse and correct assembly errors of the student pilot as necessary.
- Debriefing
Exercise 5: Inflation
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to familiarise the student pilot with the different phases of the inflation procedure, the use of restraint line and inflation fan (hot-air balloons) and the avoidance of electrostatic discharge (gas balloons). Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the different phases of the inflation procedure;
- the crowd control and securing procedures during inflation;
- the use of the inflation fan (hot-air balloons); and
- how to avoid electronic discharge (gas balloons).
- Exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the crowd control and securing of the launch site during inflation procedure;
- the cold inflation procedure and use of restraint line and inflation fan (hot-air balloons);
- the hot inflation procedure (hot-air balloons);
- the avoidance of electrostatic discharge (gas balloons);
- the inflation procedure (gas balloons);
- how to teach the student pilot to perform the inflation procedures; and
- how to analyse and correct errors of the student pilot during the inflation procedure as necessary.
- Debriefing
Exercise 6: Take-off in different wind conditions
- Objective
To advise the student instructor how to explain the pre take-off checks and briefings, the preparation for controlled climb and the use of restraint equipment. Furthermore, the student instructor should be able to demonstrate the assessment of wind and obstacles, the preparation for false lift and the take-off techniques in different wind conditions. In addition to this, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the pre take-off checks and briefings;
- the preparation for controlled climb;
- the ‘hands off and hands on’ procedure for ground crew;
- the assessment of lift;
- the use of the restraint equipment;
- the assessment of wind and obstacles;
- the preparation for false lift; and
- the take-off techniques from sheltered and non-sheltered launch fields.
- Air Exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- how to perform the pre take-off checks and briefings;
- how to prepare for controlled climb;
- how to perform the ‘hands off and hands on’ procedure for ground crew;
- how to perform the assessment of lift without endangering the ground crew;
- how to use the restraint equipment;
- how to perform the assessment of wind and obstacles;
- how to prepare for false lift;
- how to teach the student pilot the correct take off techniques from sheltered and non-sheltered launch fields; and
- how to analyse and correct errors of the student pilot as necessary.
- Debriefing
Exercise 7: Climb to level flight
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the climb to flight level. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the climbing with a predetermined rate of climb;
- the effect on envelope temperature (hot-air balloons);
- the maximum rate of climb according to the manufacturer’s flight manual; and
- how to level off at a selected altitude.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- how to climb with a predetermined rate of climb;
- how to perform look-out techniques;
- the effect on envelope temperature (hot-air balloons);
- the maximum rate of climb according to the manufacturer’s flight manual;
- the levelling off techniques at a selected altitude;
- how to advise the student pilot to perform the climb to level flight;
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot during the climb.
- Debriefing
Exercise 8: Level flight
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate level flight. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- how to maintain level flight by use of instruments;
- how to maintain level flight by use of visual references;
- how to maintain level flight by use of all available means;
- the use of parachute; and
- the use of turning vents, if installed (hot -air balloons).
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- how to maintain level flight by use of instruments;
- how to maintain level flight by use of visual references;
- how to maintain level flight by use of all available means;
- the use of parachute;
- the use of turning vents, if installed (hot-air balloons);
- how to advise the student pilot to perform the level flight; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot during the level flight.
- Debriefing
Exercise 9: Descent to level flight
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the descent to a certain flight level. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- how to descend with a predetermined rate of descent;
- a fast descent;
- the maximum rate of descent according to the manufacturer’s flight manual;
- the use of parachute;
- a parachute stall and cold descent (hot-air balloons); and
- the levelling off technique at selected altitude.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- a descent with a predetermined rate of descent;
- how to perform look-out techniques;
- a fast descent;
- the maximum rate of descent according to the manufacturer’s flight manual;
- the use of parachute;
- how to level off at selected altitudes;
- how to advise the student pilot to perform a descent to a certain flight level; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot during the descent.
- Debriefing
Exercise 10: Emergencies
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the different emergency situations and how to react. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors during the simulated emergency exercises and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the pilot light failure (hot-air balloons);
- burner failures, valve leaks, flame out and re-light (hot-air balloons);
- the gas leaks (gas balloons);
- the closed appendix during take-off and climb (gas balloons);
- the envelope over temperature (hot-air balloons);
- the envelope damage in flight;
- the parachute or rapid deflation system failure;
- the fire on ground and in the air;
- how to avoid an obstacle contact including contact with electrical power lines; and
- escape drills, location and use of emergency equipment.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate (in the air or during a simulation on the ground):
- a pilot light failure (hot-air balloons);
- a burner failure, valve leaks, flame out and re-light (hot-air balloons);
- the gas leaks; (gas balloons)
- a closed appendix during take-off and climb (gas balloons);
- the envelope over temperature (hot-air balloons);
- the envelope damage in flight;
- the parachute or rapid deflation system failure;
- a fire on ground and in the air;
- the escape drills, location and use of emergency equipment;
- how to advise the student pilot in performing the different emergency drills; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 11: Navigation
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the advanced navigational flight preparation. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the maps selection;
- the plotting of the expected track;
- the marking of positions and time;
- the calculation of distance and speed;
- the calculation of fuel consumption (hot-air balloons);
- the calculation of ballast consumption (gas balloons);
- the ceiling limitations (ATC or weather);
- how to plan ahead;
- the monitoring of weather development;
- the monitoring of fuel or ballast consumption;
- ATC liaison (if applicable);
- the communication with retrieve crew; and
- the use of GNSS (if applicable).
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the use of selected maps;
- the plotting of the expected track;
- the marking of positions and time;
- how to monitor distance and speed;
- how to monitor the fuel or ballast consumption;
- the observance of ceiling limitations (ATC or weather);
- the planning ahead;
- the monitoring of weather development;
- the monitoring of envelope temperature (hot-air balloons);
- the ATC liaison (if applicable);
- the communication with retrieve crew;
- the use of GNSS (if applicable);
- how to advise the student pilot on performing the navigational preparation;
- how to advise the student pilot on performing the different navigational in-flight tasks; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 12a: Fuel management (hot-air balloons)
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the fuel management techniques. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the cylinder arrangement and the burner systems;
- the function of the pilot light supply (vapour or liquid);
- the use of master cylinders (if applicable);
- the fuel requirement and expected fuel consumption;
- the fuel state and pressure;
- the minimum fuel reserves;
- cylinder contents gauge and change procedure; and
- the use of cylinder manifolds (if applicable).
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the cylinder arrangement and burner systems;
- the pilot light supply (vapour or liquid);
- the use of master cylinders (if applicable);
- how to monitor the fuel requirement and expected fuel consumption;
- the monitoring of fuel state and pressure;
- the monitoring of fuel reserves;
- the use of cylinder contents gauge and change procedure;
- the use of cylinder manifolds (if applicable);
- how to advise the student pilot to perform the fuel management; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 12b: Ballast management (gas balloons)
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the ballast management. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the minimum ballast;
- the arrangement and securing of ballast;
- the ballast requirement and expected ballast consumption; and
- the ballast reserves.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the determination of the minimum ballast requirement;
- the arrangement and securing of ballast;
- the ballast requirement calculation and expected ballast consumption;
- how to secure ballast reserves;
- how to advise the student pilot to perform the ballast management; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 13: Approach from low level
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the approach from level. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- pre-landing checks;
- the passenger pre-landing briefing;
- the selection of fields;
- the use of burner and parachute (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast or parachute and valve (gas balloons);
- the use of trail rope (if applicable) (gas balloons);
- look-out procedures; and
- missed approach and fly-on procedures.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the use of the pre landing checks;
- the selection of fields;
- the use of burner and parachute (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast or parachute and valve (gas balloons);
- the use of trail rope (if applicable) (gas balloons);
- the look-out procedures and how to avoid possible distractions;
- the missed approach and fly-on techniques;
- how to advise the student pilot to perform an approach from low level; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 14: Approach from high level
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the approach from high level. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the pre-landing checks;
- the passenger pre-landing briefing;
- selection of field;
- the rate of descent;
- the use of burner and parachute (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast and parachute (gas balloons);
- the use of trail rope (if applicable) (gas balloons);
- look-out procedures; and
- missed approach and fly-on procedures.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the pre-landing checks;
- the selection of field;
- the rate of descent;
- the use of burner and parachute (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast and parachute (gas balloons);
- the use of trail rope (if applicable) (gas balloons);
- the look-out procedures and how to avoid potential distraction;
- the missed approach and fly-on techniques;
- how to advise the student pilot to perform an approach from a higher level; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 15: Operation at low level
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the operation at a low height (1-20 metres). Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the use of burner and parachute (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast and parachute (gas balloons);
- the look-out procedures;
- how to avoid a contact with low-level obstacles;
- how to avoid sensitive areas (for example, nature protection areas); and
- the landowner relations.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the use of burner and parachute (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast and parachute (gas balloons);
- look-out procedures and how to avoid potential distraction;
- how to avoid low-level obstacles;
- good landowner relations;
- how to advise the student pilot to operate the balloon at a low level; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 16: Landing in different wind conditions
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate landings in different wind conditions. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the correct actions for turbulences during the approach or landing;
- the passenger pre-landing briefing;
- the use of burner and pilot lights (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast, parachute, valve and rip panel (gas balloons);
- the use of parachute and turning vents (if applicable);
- look-out;
- the landing, dragging and deflation;
- the use of drop line; and
- landowner relations.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the pre-landing checks;
- the passenger briefing;
- the selection of field;
- the effect of turbulence;
- the use of burner and pilot lights (hot-air balloons);
- the use of ballast, parachute, valve and rip panel (gas balloons);
- the use of parachute rapid deflation systems (if applicable) and turning vents (if applicable) (hot-air balloons);
- the look-out procedures and how to avoid potential distraction;
- the landing, dragging and deflation procedures;
- the use of drop line (when appropriate)
- how to advise the student pilot to perform a safe landing in different wind conditions; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 17: First solo flight
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to prepare students for the first solo flight. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to properly assess the readiness and fitness of a student to fly solo on the day of the intended solo flight.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the limitations of the flight;
- the use of required equipment; and
- the flight planning and references to manoeuvres.
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to:
- evaluate whether the student should be authorised to fly solo, taking into consideration at least all of the following:
- the experience of the student;
- the physical and mental fitness of the student;
- weather conditions; and
- the suitability of balloons for a solo flight;
- monitor the pre-flight preparation;
- brief the student (expected flight time or emergency actions);
- monitor the flight as far as possible; and
- debrief the flight with the student.
- Debriefing
Exercise 18: Tethered flight (hot-air balloons)
Note: This exercise constitutes the specific training referred to in point BFCL.315(a)(3) regarding instructional privileges for the tethered flight rating. It may be completed during the initial FI(B) training course or as a separate training, provided that the applicant holds the tethered flight rating.
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the tethering techniques. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the ground preparations;
- the weather suitability;
- the tethering techniques and equipment;
- the maximum all-up-weight limitation;
- crowd control;
- the pre-take-off checks and briefings;
- the heating for controlled lift-off;
- the ‘hands-off and hands-on’ procedure for ground crew;
- the procedures for boarding and disembarking passengers;
- the assessment of wind and obstacles; and
- the controlled climb to a pre-defined altitude (at least 60 ft (20 m)).
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the ground preparations;
- the tethering techniques;
- the understanding of maximum all-up-weight limitation;
- how to perform crowd control;
- the pre-take-off checks and briefings;
- the heating for controlled lift-off;
- the ‘hands-off and hands-on’ procedure for ground crew;
- the passenger boarding and disembarkation; exchange of passengers between flights
- the assessment of wind and obstacles;
- the controlled climb;
- the landing techniques;
- how to advise the student pilot on how to perform a tethered flight; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
Exercise 19: Night flying
Note: This exercise constitutes the specific training referred to in point BFCL.315(a)(3) regarding instructional privileges for the night rating. It may be completed during the initial FI(B) training course or as a separate training, provided that the applicant holds the night rating.
- Objective
To advise the student instructor on how to explain and demonstrate the night flying techniques. Furthermore, the student instructor should learn how to identify student errors and how to correct them properly.
- Briefing
The student instructor has to explain:
- the medical or physiological aspects of night vision;
- the flight planning, taking into account the obstacles on the ground, night VMC minima, airspace;
- the use of lights for assembly, layout and inflation;
- the requirement for torch or lights to be carried, (pre-flight inspection, etc.);
- the use of the external and instrument lights;
- the night take-off procedure;
- the checklist procedures at night;
- the emergency procedures at night;
- the navigation principles at night; and
- the map marking for night use (highlighting built up or lit areas with thicker lines, etc.).
- Air exercise
The student instructor has to demonstrate:
- the use of lights for assembly, layout and inflation;
- the flight planning, taking into account the obstacles on the ground, night VMC minima, airspace;
- the use of torch or lights for pre-flight inspection;
- the use of external and instrument lights;
- the night take-off procedure;
- how to perform the checklist procedures at night;
- how to maintain safety altitude;
- the simulated night emergency procedures;
- the navigation principles at night;
- the night cross-country techniques, as appropriate;
- how to advise the student pilot to perform a flight at night; and
- how to analyse and correct faults or errors of the student pilot.
- Debriefing
→ BFCL.345