
BFCL.325 FI(B) competencies and assessment

Regulation (EU) 2020/357

Applicants for an FI(B) certificate shall be trained to achieve the following competencies:

  1. prepare resources;
  2. create a climate conducive to learning;
  3. present knowledge;
  4. integrate threat and error management (TEM) and crew resource management (CRM);
  5. manage time to achieve training objectives;
  6. facilitate learning;
  7. assess trainee performance;
  8. monitor and review progress;
  9. evaluate training sessions; and
  10. report outcome.

AMC1 BFCL.325 FI(B) competencies and assessment

ED Decision 2020/003/R

  1. Training should be both theoretical and practical. Practical elements should include the development of specific instructor skills, particularly in the area of teaching and assessing TEM

  2. The training and assessment of instructors should be made against the following performance standards:
Competency Performance Knowledge/understanding of
Prepare resources(a) ensures adequate facilities;(a) objectives;
(b) prepares briefing material(b)available tools;
(c) manage available tools.(c) compentency-based training methods.
Create a climate conducive to learning(a) establishes credentials, role models approbiate behaviour;(a) barriers to learning;
(b) clarifies roles;(b) learning styles
(c) states objectives;
(d) ascertains and supports student pilots's needs.
Present knowledge(a) communicates clearly;teaching methods
(b) creates and sustains realism;
(c) looks for training opportunities.
Integrate human factors and TEMmakes human factors and TEM links with technical training.(a) human factors and TEM;
(b) causes and countermeasures against undesired aircraft states
Manage time to achieve training objectivesallocates the appropriate time to achieve the competency objectivesyllabus time allocation
Facilitate learning(a) encourages trainee participation;(a) facilitation;
(b) shows motivating, patient, confident and assertive manner;(b) how to give constructive feedback;
(c) conducts one-to-one coaching;(c) how to encourage trainees to ask questions and seek advice.
Assesses trainee performance(a) assesses and encourages trainee self-assessment of performance against competency standards;(a) observation techniques;
(b) makes assessment decision and provides clear feedback;(b) methods for recording observations.
(c) observes crew-resource management (CRM) behaviour.
Monitor and review progress(a) compares individual outcomes to defined objectives;(a) learning styles;
(b) identifies individual differences in learning rates;strategies for training adaptation to meet individual needs.
(c) applies appropriate corrective action.
Evaluate training sessions(a) elicits feedback from student pilots;(a)competency unit and associated elements;
(b) tracks training session processes against competency criteria;(b) performance criteria.
Report outcomeReports accurately using only observed actions and events.(a) training phase objectives;
(b) individual versus systemic weaknesses.
