
BFCL.135 BPL – Theoretical knowledge examination

Regulation (EU) 2020/357

  1. Theoretical knowledge

    Applicants for a BPL shall demonstrate a level of theoretical knowledge that is appropriate to the privileges sought through examinations on the following:

    1. common subjects:

      1. air law;
      2. human performance;
      3. meteorology;
      4. communications; and

    2. specific subjects concerning balloons:

      1. principles of flight;
      2. operational procedures;
      3. flight performance and planning;
      4. aircraft general knowledge related to balloons; and
      5. navigation.

  2. Responsibilities of the applicant

    1. The applicant shall take the entire set of theoretical knowledge examinations for the BPL under the responsibility of the same Member State’s competent authority.

    2. The applicant shall take the theoretical knowledge examination only if recommended by the ATO or the DTO that is responsible for his or her training and once he or she has completed the appropriate elements of the training course of theoretical knowledge instruction to a satisfactory standard.

    3. The recommendation by the ATO or the DTO shall be valid for 12 months. If the applicant has failed to take at least one theoretical knowledge examination paper within this validity period, the need for further training shall be determined by the ATO or the DTO, based on the needs of the applicant.

  3. Pass standards

    1. A pass in a theoretical knowledge examination paper shall be awarded to the applicant if he or she has achieved at least 75 % of the marks allocated to that paper. No penalty marking shall be applied.

    2. Unless otherwise specified in this Annex, an applicant is considered to have successfully completed the required theoretical knowledge examination for the BPL if he or she has passed all the required theoretical knowledge examination papers within a period of 18 months counted from the end of the calendar month when the applicant first attempted to take the examination.

    3. If an applicant has failed to pass one of the theoretical knowledge examination papers within four attempts or has failed to pass all papers within the period mentioned in paragraph (2), he or she shall retake the complete set of theoretical knowledge examination papers.

    4. Before retaking the theoretical knowledge examinations, the applicant shall undertake further training at an ATO or a DTO. The ATO or the DTO shall determine the extent and scope of the training, based on the needs of the applicant.

  4. Validity period

    The theoretical knowledge examination shall be valid for a period of 24 months counted from the day when the applicant successfully completed the theoretical knowledge examination, in accordance with paragraph (c)(2).

AMC1 BFCL.135 BPL – Theoretical knowledge examinations

ED Decision 2020/003/R

  1. The theoretical knowledge examinations for the BPL follow the syllabus for theoretical knowledge instruction for the BPL set out in AMC1 BFCL.130.

  2. The examinations should be in written form. However, for the subject Communications, practical classroom testing may be conducted.

  3. The examinations should comprise a total of 120 multiple-choice questions, covering all the subjects, with the following arrangements for questions and allocated time per subject:
SubjetNumber of questionsDuration (in minutes)
Air law 20 40
Human performance 10 20
Meteorology 20 40
Communications 10 20
Navigation 20 75
Principles of flight* 10 20
Operational procedures* 10 20
Flight performance and planning* 10 20
Aircraft general knowledge* 10 20

* Content as relevant for either hot-air balloons or gas balloons, depending on the class privileges sought. These four subjects may be combined in one single examination paper that comprises 10 questions per subject (40 in total) and has a duration of 80 minutes. In any case, the pass rate as per point BFCL.135 (c)(1) needs to be achieved for each subject.

(d) The period of 18 months mentioned in point BFCL.135 (c)(2) should be counted from the end of the calendar month when the applicant first attempted an examination.

(e) The competent authority should inform applicants of the language(s) in which the examination will be conducted.

GM1 BFCL.135 BPL – Theoretical knowledge examinations

ED Decision 2020/003/R


The meaning of the following terms used in BFCL.135 is as follows:

  1. ‘Entire set of examinations’: an examination in all subjects required by the licence level.
  2. ‘Examination’: the demonstration of knowledge in one or more examination papers.
  3. ‘Examination paper’: a set of questions that covers one subject required by the licence level, to be answered by a candidate for examination.
  4. ‘Attempt’: a try to pass a specific examination paper.
